I was living in San Francisco when my partner asked me if I'd like to move to another country. Her company needed to deploy her talents in their European office, and a life in Europe has been a dream of hers for a long time. This was the first time I had every heard of the word "Luxembourg". My career was doing very well as I was enjoying my 5th year at a successful video production company in San Francisco, learning the ins and outs of what made it a successful business. My life in California was great, so I said "NO!" to Luxembourg.
Fast forward 3 months and there I was. I had quit my job, said goodbye to my family, packed my belongings, and the plane touched down at Findel Airport as I stepped out to see my new home for the very first time.
One of the most noticeable differences is the size of the cities. California is known for its sprawling metropolises, while Luxembourg is a small country with a population of just over 600,000 people. As a result, the pace of life in Luxembourg is slower, with a more relaxed and laid-back atmosphere. Today, I am happily situated in my new home in Luxembourg and proud of the success of my video production company in Luxembourg.
When I first arrived in Luxembourg, I was struck by the beauty of the city. The architecture, the people, and the culture all combined to create an atmosphere that was both welcoming and inspiring. It seemed like the perfect place to start my own video production company.
At first, starting a business in Lux seemed more difficult than I was prepared for. There were many bureaucratic hurdles to jump through, including registering the company and obtaining the necessary licenses and permits. Learning to read and submit paperwork in French and Luxembourgish was a challenge and my translator app was running on fumes by the end of the process. However, the people of Luxembourg were extremely helpful, and with their support and guidance, I was able to navigate the process successfully.
With my business permit in hand, and all the legalities in place. My next challenge was building a client base. As a new business owner, I had to work hard to establish myself in the community and prove myself to potential clients. I attended networking events, joined local business associations, and produced high quality videos at discounted prices to establish my company as a trusted and effective business.
Despite the challenges, my hard work and perseverance paid off. My company quickly gained a reputation for producing beautiful videos that were both creative and effective in achieving our clients' goals. Today, we work with a range of clients from small startups to large corporations, and our portfolio includes a variety of videos, including commercials, corporate videos, and social media content.
The experience of starting a business in Luxembourg has been incredibly rewarding. Not only have I been able to build a successful company, but I have also had the opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture and language. The people of Luxembourg have been incredibly welcoming, and I feel fortunate to call this beautiful country my home.
Overall, living in Luxembourg has been a wonderful experience for me. Starting a business here has been challenging, but it's also been incredibly rewarding. I've had the opportunity to meet many talented people, and I've learned a lot about the culture and way of life in this beautiful country. While there are certainly differences between California and Luxembourg, I've found that embracing those differences is part of what makes my experience here so exciting. If you ever have the opportunity for a big life change and you're unsure about if it is the right decision, think it over, say "NO!" and then just do it!